
Two-Party System? Maybe Not…

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Jonathan Broadbent is a Geauga County GOP Central Committee member, founder of Unwoke.Academy and Chair and Territory Lead for Protect Ohio Children. Find Jonathan on most social media platforms: LibertyLinks

Geauga County (and everywhere else):

It should come as no surprise that some Democrats arrive in places like Conservative Geauga County, realize that they cannot make it in politics as a “D” and do what politicians often do: lie.

We call them “trans-Democrats” or “RINOS” and they’re awful. They’re what’s led to the two major parties being virtually indistinguishable.

Let’s face it, Democrats can seem very nice. Even far-Left Democrats. (At least one-on-one and until an issue comes up, and the fangs come out.) The talk of Social Justice and defending all the genders and identity groups can appear virtuous… until we learn that all such talk has a 100% failure rate and everywhere it’s being attempted in the U.S. is destroying cities (virtually all major U.S. cities right now are far-Left and are collapsing in every meaningful metric, from police and education to safety, services, and tax-base). Corruption runs rampant and it seems NO Identity Group fares well in “blue” regions or cities. A few politicians and their families get rich, but not much beyond that happens, just depravity and high taxes with poor services.

I’ve talked to and worked with enough Democrats as “the Conservative” to think that they don’t even realize the harm they represent. Like a person who boards the plane with ebola, (traveling with falsified documents), they’re thinking they just want to travel and make friends. And, like terrorists who will infect travelers and put them on planes, the Democrat Party encourages such people to go to places like Geauga that aren’t yet inflicted with far-Left and enter or influence politics.

Knowing they cannot make it running as Democrat, they simply tell people they’re “republican”, changing nothing about their beliefs, stance on issues, or voting.

This is how places like Conservative, Republican, “Red” Geauga end up with a Republican Party that looks very purple or blue. It’s how County GOP and local offices end up with the label “republican” but everything shifts rapidly further and further Left/blue, getting more expensive and less like America. It’s how anti-American sentiment spreads into communities, schools, and government offices, and how our Freedoms & Liberties rapidly erode. It’s also how a few uber-rich families are made – my family watched it happen in East Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, and similar places.

It can be tempting to shrug it off as changing demographics (those Cuyahoga people move out here and bring their voting with them… or, it’s the kids today, they’re very liberal/Left) but the truth of the matter may be much more obvious and insidious; the Conservative/Republican Party perhaps isn’t either Conservative or Republican. Maybe the “republicans” filling offices all over the county are identical in nature to what the Democrat Party has to offer.

The only way we get out of this is to start actually looking and examining. Check voting records. A group of us were recently threatened and shouted down in a County GOP meeting because we printed out and brought copies of voting records for someone who was being nominated as a “lifelong Republican” who had a long history of voting Democrat. I call that a lie, and an obvious one at that. When We The People do a better job of asking questions and researching, such people can be blocked and gradually the GOP might become Republican again.

Groups like formed in order to highlight such issues and encourage deliberation. I’m a big fan.

There’s always hope. And corrective action begins with knowing the problem.

1 Response

  1. 06/19/2024

    […] Questionable BehaviorEstablishment GOP Attacking Tea Party, Squawking About “Fake Slate Cards”Two-Party System? Maybe Not…How in the World Did This Guy Get Elected? The Central Committee and Why You Should […]

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