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Fortify Geauga

Fortify Geauga

We are Fortify Geauga, a group of Geauga County citizens who believe our local government and the Republican Party should represent grassroots conservative values. 

Our mission is to restore effective conservative leadership to Geauga County.  We seek to increase civic engagement among conservatives, encourage conservative values in our laws and policies, and ensure transparency in our government. 

Click on the boxes below to learn more about our goals. Please sign up for our Newsletter to get weekly updates about how you can help us Fortify Geauga.

Civic Engagement

  • Increase awareness among Republican voters about crucial issues impacting our county and state
  • Facilitate a Precinct Network for grassroots activism to harness the power of our conservative voters
  • Encourage strong relationships between local representatives and constituents to ensure the voice of the people is understood and valued

Conservative Values

  • Small, efficient government led by the wishes and interests of constituents, not politicians or outside interests
  • Protection of individual rights as enumerated in our founding documents, especially including religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms
  • Protecting the lives of the unborn
  • Ensuring public education is free from political indoctrination and parental rights are honored

Transparency in Government

  • Open meetings of all party and governmental bodies, involving the narrowest possible application of secrecy permitted in Ohio’s Sunshine Laws
  • On-the-record voting in every possible scenario
  • Protecting the rights of citizens to participate in the process of government
  • Ensuring and prioritizing election integrity

Fortify Geauga Leadership

President – Tiffanie Broadbent
Vice President – Christine Stenzel
Secretary – Molly Nikkila

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