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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about our Website

Who should use this website?

You don’t have to be a Fortify Geauga member or Geauga County resident to use our website. ALL Ohio Conservatives should use our website and subscribe to our Newsletter. While there is some information specific to our county, most of what we post is in-depth information on state and regional issues. Our Issues page, Act Now page, and Posts have useful information and calls to action on state legislation that impacts all of us. Readers from every county are warmly embraced! We hope you find our site useful and share it widely.

Why aren’t there any national issues on the website?

We acknowledge there are many national and international issues that are worthy of attention. However, the goals of our group are local. We believe the key to ensuring conservative governance is focused action at the local and state level.

I signed up for the Newsletter, but I haven’t received it

Our Newsletter is delivered by email once per week. It comes from the email address fortifygeauga@proton.me. If you signed up for our Newsletter but you don’t see it in your Inbox, check to make sure it didn’t end up in your Spam or Bulk folder. Still don’t see it? Send us an email at FortifyGeauga@proton.me. You can also view previous Newsletters here.

Questions about Fortify Geauga

What kind of group is this?

Fortify Geauga is a Political Club, defined by the Ohio Revised Code as a group that:

  • Formed primarily for social purposes;
  • Consists of one hundred members or less;
  • Has officers and periodic meetings;
  • Has less than $2500 in its treasury at all times; and
  • Gives $1,000 or less in contributions to political entities per calendar year.

    (R.C. 3517.01(C)(8)(b); OAC 111:2-1-02(L)

Fortify Geauga is not affiliated or part of any other clubs, groups, or PACs.

Who are you people anyway?

We are a group of Geauga County conservatives who believe our local government and Republican party should represent grassroots conservative values. Just what do we mean by “grassroots conservative values”? Take a look at our About Us page for more details.

When did this group start?

Fortify Geauga members started getting together regularly back in November of 2022. We really just wanted to spend time with other conservatives in a relaxed atmosphere were we could socialize and speak freely about conservative politics. We quickly discovered we all had similar goals and a big appetite for making a difference. We share a sense of duty to protect the values and freedoms that make Geauga County a wonderful place to live and raise our families.

Who is in charge & how is the group structured?

Fortify Geauga has Officers, an Executive Committee, and General Members.
President: Tiffanie Broadbent
Vice President/Treasurer: Christine Stenzel
Secretary: Molly Nikkila

Our Executive Committee is made up of the 16 original members who began meeting in 2022. Executive Committee members meet monthly and vote on club business.

General Members attend monthly Citizen Socials and special events, participate in our social media groups, and serve on subcommittees to help plan events and initiatives.

Who can be a member? What is the cost?

Conservative adults who live in Geauga County and surrounding areas and agree with our Statement of Mission and Values may join. To become a member, fill out our Membership Form online here or at one of our meetings. Our Membership Committee reserves the right to review memberships.

Suggested annual donation is $20. Donations accepted by cash or check. Please make checks payable to “Fortify Geauga”. Checks can be mailed to:
Fortify Geauga
P.O. Box 18
Chardon, OH 44024

What do you do with the money?

Donations are used to fund our website, print Fortify Geauga materials, host events for our members and the community, and to provide education and resources for our Central Committee members. We want to make sure our Central Committee members have all the training, resources, and encouragement they need to connect with constituents and be our voice.

We do not give money to candidates, Political Action Committees, or other groups.

Why does this group talk about Central Committee so much?

We believe the key to infusing our party with grassroots conservative values is building a vibrant, effective Central Committee full of members who know their constituents well and know how to operate effectively within the party structure to be our voice.

Let’s face it: the average person probably hasn’t even heard of the Central Committee, and even those who have don’t have a very good idea of what it’s for or what it can be. One of the things our Fortify Geauga members share is a passion for learning all we can about our local party, how it works, and how it is supposed to work. The Central Committee is actually a far more powerful tool than most citizens realize, and right now, we as citizens are not taking hold of it.

For more information on the structure of our state & county party, please read How in the World Did This Guy Get Elected?

I have another question

Please submit your questions in the Comments section below or email us at FortifyGeauga@proton.me.

1 Response

  1. Gerald Patronite says:

    I have lifelong family and friends and many clients (real estate and land use law) in Geauga; since the Sixties. I live in Lake now . I’d like to address “issues” with Mr. Walder and his palace guard. Issues like incompetence and arrogance, ignorance…little things like that.

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