
Newsletter 4/10/24

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Fortify Geauga Newsletter

April 10, 2024

Hello, Friends,

Welcome to a brand new week.  This is the Fortify Geauga Newsletter for April 4, 2024.

Great news!  A bill we’ve been tracking in the Ohio House has passed another hurdle on its way to becoming law.  House Bill 183, introduced by Rep. Beth Lear and Rep. Adam Bird, would require students in Ohio K-12 schools and universities to use the bathroom that corresponds to their biological gender. It would also prohibit schools from allowing students to share overnight accommodations with students of the opposite sex on school-sponsored trips.  Next step: Speaker of the House Jason Stephens must schedule this bill for a vote among all House Representatives. Call to action: please contact Speaker Stephens and urge him to bring House Bill 183 up for a vote as soon as possible.

This week, we were pleased to receive permission from the Foundational Science Consortium to share their insightful and invaluable webinar, “CO2 is NOT the Climate Change Culprit You Have Been Told”.  For decades, the prevailing “science” has been an alarmist drumbeat of doom, painting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as a planet-killing poison to be feared and curtailed at all costs.  But is CO2 really the monster it’s made out to be? Or is it just an easy scapegoat, used by organizations like NOACA as an excuse to tax and control everything from agriculture to industry to transportation and housing? Are the methods used to measure and evaluate this “problem” sober and reasonable? Are the dire predictions and radical solutions justified?  Watch this fact-filled presentation to finally hear a scientific explanation of the issue that is not influenced by government, the main stream media, or anyone with a financial interest in furthering the climate panic narrative we have all been fed and discouraged from questioning.

Every week, our volunteers put a great deal of time and heart into bringing you updates on state and county legislation and issues that impact our communities.  We attend county meetings and educate ourselves and our neighbors.  Fortify Geauga is run entirely be volunteers who give our own energy, time, and money to keep our club running.  We are committed to bringing grassroots conservative values back to your local government and Republican party, but we can’t do it without your help.  If you enjoy our Newsletter, website, and events and would like to help us keep them free for the community, please consider supporting our fundraiser.  We are selling stunning red “Don’t Cuyahoga our Geauga” t-shirts for $25 (short sleeves) and $30 (long sleeves).  The sale ends April 12th.  Please order today!

As always, thank you for spending a few minutes with us.

Weekly Spotlight:  Fortify Geauga Merchandise is Here!

  • Don’t Cuyahoga our Geauga!
  • Only available until April 12th
  • 100% cotton
  • Made in USA
  • Proceeds fund Fortify Geauga’s website, community events, and printing costs
  • Order today! Don’t miss your chance!
  • Click the picture to order

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