Author: Jonathan Broadbent


Swamp! Uniparty! Cabal!

Why are the wives of so many County Republican Party members – who also happen to hold paying government jobs – hosting a fundraiser for a Liberal Democrat? Jonathan Broadbent...


Two-Party System? Maybe Not…

Jonathan Broadbent is a Geauga County GOP Central Committee member, founder of Unwoke.Academy and Chair and Territory Lead for Protect Ohio Children. Find Jonathan on most social media platforms: LibertyLinks...


The Risks of Central Bank Digital Currency

by Jonathan Broadbent, Founder, UnWoke Investing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) would be the death-knell of Freedom, Privacy, and Individual Liberty. I’ve researched the subject in great detail and believe...


Election Integrity is Calling

by Jonathan Broadbent and Linda Traush Reposted with permission from Jonathan Broadbent’s Substack Election Integrity is calling.  It’s time for We The People to step up to assure the integrity...