
Newsletter 4/17/24

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Fortify Geauga Newsletter

April 17, 2024

Hello, Friends,

Welcome to a brand new week.  This is the Fortify Geauga Newsletter for April 17, 2024.

Our exploration into closing Ohio’s primaries continues this week with a Fortify Geauga interview with Representative Jennifer Gross (R-45).  Representative Gross discussed her legislation to close our primaries, House Bill 210 (currently in the House Government Oversight Committee), the arguments for and against closing our primaries, specific provisions and possible amendments, and other legislation of interest to Ohio conservatives.

Great news for alert citizens pushing for election integrity in Ohio:  a new bill has been introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives, The Ohio Votes Count Act (HB 472).  Our good friends at Grassroots Freedom Initiative have provided an outline of the bill’s features.  See our post Election Integrity Bill Introduced in the Ohio House and be sure to sign up with GFI to receive their updates.

If you missed it last week, take a look at the presentation “CO2 is NOT the Climate Change Culprit You Have Been Told,” graciously shared with us by the Foundational Science Consortium.  

As always, thank you for spending a few minutes with us.

Recent Posts

The hard-working folks at Grassroots Freedom Initiative reached out to their subscribers with an update on election integrity legislation in Ohio. House Bill 472, the Ohio Votes Count Act, was recently introduced in the Ohio House …

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Ohio Representative Jennifer Gross sat down with us for an interview about closing Ohio’s primaries. Representative Gross clarified the parameters of her legislation (House Bill 210) and addressed the overlap between HB210 and a newer bill, House Bill 437. While the bills are …

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Liberty Camp USA’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

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CO2 is NOT the Climate Change Culprit You Have Been Told

For decades, the prevailing “science” has been an alarmist drumbeat of doom, painting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as a planet-killing poison to be feared and curtailed at all costs. Ask …

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To the Contrary: Conservatives Differ on Higher Education Bill

In March of 2023, Senator Jerry Cirino introduced Senate Bill 83, the Enact Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act. The bill was promptly assigned the Senate Workforce and Education Committee and by late May of 2023, it had received 5 committee hearings, been passed by the…

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Closing Ohio’s Primaries, Part I

Ohio’s Primary elections are currently open, which means any voter, no matter their party affiliation, can pull a ballot for any party in a primary election. While both Republican and Democrat voters have “party hopped” in…

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