
Newsletter 8/30/24

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Fortify Geauga Newsletter

August 30, 2024

Hello, Friends,

Welcome to a brand new week.  This is the Fortify Geauga Newsletter for August 30, 2024.

What a time we’ve had here in Geauga County!  Our much-needed Summer break was unexpectedly extended by savage storms that left most of us without power and internet for the better part of a week.  Everyone at Fortify Geauga is safe and accounted for, and our prayers go out to our neighbors who dealt with safety and property issues.  We are grateful no lives were lost.  

Vote NO on Issue 1’s Radical Redistricting Scheme.  It’s Summer in Ohio, which means, once again there is a terrible leftist Constitutional Amendment that has just been added to our November ballot.  “Issue 1” has been marketed to sound wonderful, but beware! The nice-sounding phrases like “fair districts” and “citizens over politicians” are not what they seem.  Look past the marketing and see what this radical amendment would actually do and why it’s a very bad deal for Ohio.  

Election Integrity is an Ohio issue.  There has been a flurry of activity and news regarding election security issues in Ohio.  If you think election integrity is not an issue in Ohio, think again!  The Hamilton County Board of Elections discovered a coordinated effort to fraudulently change voter registration addresses.  In addition, several Ohio-based and national organizations have sounded alarms on Ohio’s registration, absentee ballot, and voting procedures.  We’ll be adding more resources in the coming weeks to help you stay on top of elections security developments.  For now, here are some steps you can take to Secure Your Ballot for the upcoming election.

Finally some hope for Geauga GOP reform!  Since we first started meeting, Fortify Geauga has been working to educate conservative citizens on the need for reform in our county GOP.  The GOP Central Committee has the potential to be a powerful, helpful, and very effective group.  Sadly for Geauga County, we’ve experienced what can most politely be described as “feckless chaos” owing to difficult leadership and a lack of engagement among committee members.  But longtime Party Chair Nancy McArthur has announced she will step down from her role as Chair, effective September 6th.  Central Committee members will meet soon to address these changes and hopefully pick a new Chair who is ready to hear and amplify YOUR voices within the party.  Stay tuned for updates.

Need yard signs?  Don’t for get to visit the Geauga County Fair this weekend! You can meet Republican candidates and pick up yard signs in the Geauga County GOP tent.  Fortify Geauga does not print or sell yard signs for candidates or issues, but we know many contacts in the area who do.  If you can’t find what you need at the Fair, try contacting the Geauga Women’s Republican Club via their Facebook page or at 440-339-6894.  If you still need help, please send us an email at and we will try to put you in touch with someone who can get you what you need.

As always, thank you for spending a few moments with us.  Have a wonderful week. 

Weekly Spotlight:  Secure Your Ballot!

Every eligible voter needs to answer these 4 questions. 

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Avoid the “Fair Districts” Marketing Ploy! Vote NO on Issue 1 in November

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Secure Your Ballot

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Zoning Fight Continues After Initial Citizen Victory

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Swamp! Uniparty! Cabal!

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