
The Second Amendment Preservation Act

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Editor’s Note: The following is a reprint of an email received from Ohio Gun Owners.

Ohio Gun Owners is Ohio’s NO-COMPROMISE gun rights organization. We do not believe in trading one right in exchange for others to achieve partial liberty. We fight very hard for 100% FIREARMS LIBERTY for individuals in the state of Ohio.

Ohio Gun Owners website,

This Wednesday, June 28, is the last day of ‘for sure’ legislative action at the Statehouse before the politicians take a long summer vacation.

As of right now when I’m writing this, we still have no scheduled hearing date for House Bill 51, the Second Amendment Preservation Act, nor do we know when a vote will be taking place.

And that’s unacceptable.

In a day when Joe Biden and the Radical, unhinged Left launch DAILY attacks on gun owners and the rights we cherish, gun owners in Ohio deserve decisive action for our gun rights from our Republican supermajorities.

The fact is, Biden’s handlers & Ohio’s big city mayors like Andrew Ginter (Columbus) are eager to unleash their worst badge-wielding thugs to arrest as many gun owners as they can get their hands on for violating some bureaucrat’s rule change.

House Bill 51, or at least the version of HB51 that OGO supports, will put a firewall of protection around gun owners here in Ohio – but the language must be corrected first and then it must be passed.

To be crystal clear, HB51 has either:

  1. been allowed to be slow-rolled, or
  2. Majority Leader Bill Seitz has been allowed to road-block HB51 from passing as quickly as it should be, by the rest of House Leadership for too long.

That’s why I’m asking you, as a member/supporter of Ohio Gun Owners, to help ratchet up the pressure to get SAPA passed out of committee and through the House before the end of the week!

Please take a few minutes today to call the office of Speaker Jason Stephens.

When you speak to Speaker Stephens’ office staff, urge them to convey your frustration at letting Bill Seitz once again be a needless stumbling block to passing this beautiful, robust legislation.

Urge them to convey to their boss that HB51 needs to be passed out of committee cleanly, and scheduled for a full floor vote THIS WEEK!

Representative Jason Stephens
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Phone: (614) 466-1366

Chris Dorr, Director
Ohio Gun Owners

Read more about House Bill 51, The Second Amendment Preservation Act

In response to repeated federal attacks on our Second Amendment rights, the tireless patriots at Ohio Gun Owners have been working with legislators to craft and refine House Bill 51, the Second Amendment Preservation Act. Anyone in Ohio who values our 2A rights needs to help support this groundbreaking legislation.


Call the members of the
House Government Oversight

and urge them to pass
this crucial legislation.

Special Communication

Please contact Speaker of the House
Jason Stephens and let him know
you expect his support for this crucial legislation. 614-466-1366;; fillable web
contact form here.


Email the members of the
House Government Oversight

and urge them to pass
this crucial legislation.


Spread the word to people
who are also interested in
protecting our Second Amendment rights.

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