
It’s Not Just Abortion

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by Tiffanie Broadbent

…When dealing with a document that seeks to define and shape our rights, ALL possibilities need to be considered; and when dealing with a political ideology that constantly redefines terms like “woman” “racist” and “truth”, we are absolute fools if we do not expect the most extreme interpretation. We are fools if we do not see the most egregiously self-serving aims as the entire point of this amendment.

Ohio Conservatives are celebrating a victory at the Statehouse last week. Through a monumental effort of dedicated legislators and grassroots pressure, we have secured a Special Election in August and have placed on that ballot the Constitutional Protection Amendment. Ohioans will now have the chance to vote on whether to make it more challenging to add amendments to the Ohio Constitution. Currently, an amendment can be added if more than 50% of the voters in an election vote for it. The Constitution Protection Amendment would raise that threshold to 60%.

While many Ohio Conservatives would agree this is a good idea at any time, there was a special urgency to secure this Special Election and the Constitutional Protection Amendment right away. That’s because Ohio Democrats and special interests like Planned Parenthood are working overtime to get a proposed amendment on the November ballot. They are billing it as a “Reproductive Rights” amendment (as if we don’t already have these rights in Ohio), but most of us refer to it as the “Abortion Amendment”. Raising the threshold for adding new amendments to 60% will help keep this disastrous amendment out of our Constitution. That’s why it’s imperative that we all vote YES on the Constitutional Protection Amendment in August.

The amendment they are seeking to pass would effectively enshrine abortion into Ohio’s Constitution. In one sense, it is the Left’s attempt to circumvent Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill. For life-affirming individuals, that is certainly enough of a reason to oppose it. But there are other reasons to fight as hard as we possibly can to keep this amendment out.

There is another disturbing motivation behind the abortion amendment: the broad, vague language of the amendment will endanger parents’ rights to make medical decisions for their children. The imprecise language is designed to leave room for any type of procedure or treatment (as long as it can be classified as dealing with the reproductive system), to be protected under law for any person, including minor children. Remember this: there are no age specifications in this proposed amendment. This means there will be constitutional protections for minor girls to have abortions without parental consent or even notification. There will be constitutional protections for any child to receive gender reassignment surgeries and therapies, including permanently sterilizing procedures, with no age limits specified and without parental knowledge or permission.

So, if an abuser impregnates an underage girl, he will find it easier to take her for an abortion without her parents’ knowledge. If an ideological predator employed as a fifth grade teacher manipulates a vulnerable child into thinking he is transgender, she can aid him in pursuing permanently mutilating gender surgery without his parents knowing. If a doctor’s conscience leads him to deny an unwise or potentially harmful treatment, he may find himself accused of violating the constitutional rights of his patient.

Proponents will tell you these examples are at the far end of unlikely. I will tell you, when dealing with a document that seeks to define and shape our rights, ALL possibilities need to be considered; and when dealing with a political ideology that constantly redefines terms like “woman” “racist” and “truth”, we are absolute fools if we do not expect the most extreme interpretation. We are fools if we do not see the most egregiously self-serving aims as the entire point of this amendment. Abortion, cross-sex hormone therapy, and gender reassignment surgeries are sickeningly lucrative. Planned Parenthood and other special interests are pushing this amendment to protect their income stream, and have convinced an army of passionate but misguided women to further their cynical cause.

Free Women of Ohio, I ask you: are your rights infringed by our current Constitution? Do you really need this overly-permissive amendment which will condone the destruction of life and aid in the mutilation of children, in order to be free in Ohio?

Three steps to tell Planned Parenthood Ohio stands for life and the protection of children:

  • Decline to Sign: Do not sign their petition for “Women’s Rights” or “Reproductive Rights” – it is a falsely-named ploy to get abortion on the Ohio Constitution and is a serious danger to parental rights.
  • Vote YES in August: Help spread the word! Vote YES on the Constitutional Protection Amendment in the August 8th Special Election.
  • Vote NO in November: If the pro-abortion special interests get their amendment on the November ballot, Vote NO!

If you haven’t already, sign up for our weekly email Newsletter for updates on this and other crucial issues. Fortify Geauga will post up-to-date information on how you can help. Geauga County Conservatives: join our Precinct Network to be part of our local efforts.

For an excellent rundown of the less-obvious consequences of Planned Parenthood’s proposed amendment, read Ohio’s Disastrous Abortion Ballot Proposal.

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  1. 05/22/2023

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  2. 06/12/2023

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