Precinct Network

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Will you help us Fortify Geauga?

Did you know there are 78 Republican precincts in Geauga County? What if we had just 15 people in each precinct write letters, make phone calls, send emails, or give testimony at board meetings or legislative hearings? That would be over 1,000 conservative voices shaping the destiny of the laws that impact us.

Here at Fortify Geauga, we have a vision. We see the potential of our conservative neighbors working together to fortify our county and state against the damaging leftism that has ruined so many communities. We see you, our Geauga neighbors, using your voices and your votes to keep Geauga County and Ohio conservative.

How will we Fortify Geauga?

As we build, we envision everyday people becoming important leaders in their neighborhoods, inspiring their friends to learn and act on behalf of the conservative values we share.

We are looking for individuals in each precinct who will help us spread the word when important issues need our action. Can you send a few emails, attend a meeting, or write a letter this week? Can you find 15 conservatives in your precinct who are willing to learn, share, and act to Fortify Geauga?

If you’d like to help, fill out the form below to join our Precinct Network, or even better, become a Fortify Geauga Precinct Leader.

Join the Fortify Geauga Precinct Network

If you don’t know your Geauga County voting precinct, click here to find it.

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