
Call to Action: Protect Children from Adult Performances

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Stephanie Foucher is a Navy Veteran and mother of three, currently serving as the Geauga County GOP Central Committee member for Chester Township H.

Ohio House Bill 245, sponsored by Rep. Angie King (R-84) and Rep. Josh Williams (R-41), a bill “To amend sections 2907.39 and 4301.25 of the Revised Code to prohibit adult cabaret performances in locations other than adult cabarets” is going to the floor! In short, this keeps pedophile drag queens away from kids. It’s literally what we’ve been working for for years!

Thank you for taking the time to support this bill. Many people have worked very hard and put a LOT of time into bringing this to fruition. There is large group of citizens and activists statewide who have been working diligently to put forth this legislation to help advocate for children by protecting them from inappropriate, adult-themed performances. There’s way too much blood, sweat, and tears invested not to spend the 5 minutes required in this final stage.

This bill needs YOUR support, TODAY!

Please see the following steps provided by Stephanie Stock, President of Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom.


This is just a simple note to express your position on STANDING UP and PROTECTING OUR KIDS!

1. Use any text format document you like (you’ll be saving as a PDF). You only need a paragraph or so. No need to write a thesis. Start your testimony with the following sentence:

“Chairwoman Abrams , Vice Chair Williams, and Members of the House Criminal Justice Committee, thank you for hearing my support testimony for HB 245.“

2. End your testimony with the following sentence or something similar:

“I urge the committee to vote YES on HB 245.”

Reminder: Write as much as you like, but you only need a paragraph or so. No need to write a thesis.

3. Your testimony MUST be saved as a PDF!

4. Your witness slip MUST also be saved as a PDF and accompany your testimony in the email.

5. Download the witness slip here:

6. Email your testimony and witness slip PDF documents to Chairwoman Cindy Abrams at and CC by no later than Tue, June 4th @ 9:00am. (That’s this coming TUESDAY @9:00am!)

7. Please write “Written-only support testimony for HB 245” in the subject line.

That’s it! That’s all it takes to support this bill. DO YOUR PART!

1 Response

  1. 05/31/2024

    […] from inappropriate performances.  For details on where to send your testimony, please see Call to Action:  Protect Children from Adult Performances.  This will be 5 minutes […]

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