
Newsletter 5/30/24

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Fortify Geauga Newsletter

May 30, 2024

Hello, Friends,

Welcome to a brand new week.  This is the Fortify Geauga Newsletter for May 30, 2024.

It’s hard to imagine a more gorgeous, temperate May than we have had this year in Geauga County.  We will inevitably hit the “dog days” of summer, but while this delicious coolness lasts, we plan to enjoy it and we hope you will too.

Would you like to be part of the effort to keep adult-themed performances (like drag shows) away from children? Testimony is needed for House Bill 245, which will prohibit adult-themed (“cabaret”) performances outside of adult venues.  Many of us will scratch our heads and wonder why a common-sense bill like this is necessary, but sadly it is.  Communities like Chesterland, Wadsworth, and Ashtabula have been plagued by drag-themed events targeted toward children. This bill is the culmination of many months of hard work by Ohio citizens, activists, and legislators who want to protect children from inappropriate performances.  For details on where to send your testimony, please see Call to Action:  Protect Children from Adult Performances.  This will be 5 minutes well-spent!

Zoning rights:  Right now, the Ohio Senate is poised to alter or eliminate township zoning rights, resulting in drastic changes to the character and development of our county.  Please read Local Senator: Act NOW to Preserve Township Zoning Rights for details on her comments and exactly who should be contacted.  Your voice is needed!  If you are not already familiar with this issue, please take a few minutes to learn about this alarming possibility and what you can do to stop it:  WATCH: Will the Ohio Senate Move to Usurp Township Zoning Authority?  (Interview with Zoning Inspector Chris Alusheff)  And please SHARE it with ALL OHIO residents who live in townships. Start with your own neighbors and Township Trustees.  Check our Local Government page for Township Trustee contact information.

Save the date for our next Fortify Geauga event.  We are mounting a county-wide response to the Ohio Senate’s moves to take over Township zoning rights:  door knocking, mailers, phone calls, emails, advertising – you name it!  Please plan to attend our event on Monday, June 24th if you would like to be part of our plans.  You can email us at if you would like to be included.  Keep an eye our for more details in next week’s Newsletter and on our website.

As always, thank you for spending a few moments with us.  Have a wonderful week. 

Weekly Spotlight:  Join us as we fight to save our Townships

The Ohio Senate is moving to take away zoning authority from all Ohio townships, replacing our zoning regulations with a one-size fits-all plan designed to benefit high-density housing development.  Fortify Geauga is mobilizing to stop this threat.  Please see action steps in our post, Act NOW to Preserve Township Zoning Rights and send us an email at if you would like to be part of our efforts to spread the word to every township in our county.  

Recent Posts

Ohio House Bill 245, a bill “To amend sections 2907.39 and 4301.25 of the Revised Code to prohibit adult cabaret performances in locations other than adult cabarets” is going to the floor! In short, this keeps pedophile drag queens away from kids. It’s literally what we’ve been working for for years!

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“This popular and eminently singable song was written by Katharine Lee Bates (1859–1929), an English professor at Wellesley College. The poem, originally called “Pikes Peak,” was inspired by the sights Bates had seen on a train ride to and from Colorado…

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There was an important and lively meeting of the Geauga County Planning Commission on Tuesday, May 14th.  The main topic of the meeting, which drew an audience of a few dozen residents, was to discuss recent threats to township zoning authority coming from the Ohio Senate.  Senator Sandra O’Brien (R-32) was in attendance…

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What Will HB 73 Do For You? • Protect your access to life saving drugs prescribed by your doctor both from outpatient pharmacies and when you are in the hospital.• Prohibit licensing boards from taking action against the your health provider if they speak out about drug or vaccine risks or suggest alternative treatment options…

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Did you know there is an elected representative in our County GOP who is supposed to be representing you in the Republican party? There are 78 voting precincts in our county and every one of them has a GOP Central Committee representative who is elected by the people…

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Fortify Geauga President Tiffanie Broadbent interviewed local Zoning Inspector Chris Alusheff about recent developments in the Ohio Senate that may lead to the state usurping local zoning authority. What is behind this move, how will this affect Geauga County, and what can citizens…

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The Geauga County Board of Commissioners are currently accepting applications for the Geauga County Public Library Board of Trustees to fill a position with a term ending June 30, 2031. Anyone interested in serving can…

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Fortify Geauga President Tiffanie Broadbent interviewed Charles & Susan Johnston of Ashtabula county. Charles is a disabled veteran who ran for State Central Committee in District 32. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have been working hard to bring attention to…

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On April 22nd, Stephanie Stock, President of Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom, and Dr. Richard Bartlett, joined Bob Frantz’s “Always Right Radio” to express their extreme frustration with stall tactics being employed to keep House Bill 73 from advancing in the Senate…

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Local residents are circulating a petition to add a referendum to the ballot in the next general election (November 2024). It would read “Shall the county budget commission consist of two additional members to be elected from the county?” This petition does not name who …

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The hard-working folks at Grassroots Freedom Initiative reached out to their subscribers with an update on election integrity legislation in Ohio. House Bill 472, the Ohio Votes Count Act, was recently introduced in the Ohio House …

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