
Category: General Exploring Home Education

Exploring Home Education


Exploring Home Education - TWO DATES
Tuesday, August 1, 6:30 pm at West Geauga Library - 20 spots available; REGISTER HERE
Thursday, August 3, 6:30 pm at Middlefield Library - 20 spots available; REGISTER HERE

Does the idea of homeschooling intimidate you? Let us take the fear out of reclaiming your child's education.

Veteran home educators will present information including, but not limited to:

~ the definition and legalities of home education
~ socialization vs socializing
~ curriculum and learning styles
~ parent directed online options
~ community support and resources
~ special needs
~ multi-grade homeschooling
~ single parent and/or full time work households
~ financial concerns

The evening will include a question and answer time. 

Middlefield Public Library
16167 E. High St.
MIddlefield, OH 44062

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