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Join us!

Would you like to join us and help us fortify Geauga County? Be part of a group of patriotic conservatives who love our county and want to help protect the grassroots conservative values that make it great. Help us educate our county on the purpose and possibilities of our party and local government.

Fortify Geauga members attend monthly Citizen Social events with other conservatives. We need your help to make these events successful. Do you have ideas about other types of gatherings, events, speakers, activities, or community projects we could do? Hiking group? Book club? Conservative Coffee Hour or Happy Hour? Supper Club? Would you like to put your talents and energy toward a positive, patriotic group? Join us!

You can become a member by filling out the form below (either online or at one of our gatherings). Suggested membership donation is $20 per year (we will gratefully accept donations in cash at our events). This will help us host regular fun and educational events. (See our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.)

Fortify Geauga Membership Form

You agree to receive email communication from us by submitting this form and understand that your contact information will be stored with us.

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