
Category: General Geauga County TEA Party Meeting

Geauga County TEA Party Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Geauga County TEA Party.  Guest Speaker:  Jonathan Broadbent

Click here for more information.

You see it in the news or you may hear it from your kids or grand kids, but our children are under attack.  From schools that are pushing SEL (Social Emotional Learning) to critical race theory, to sexuality.    We have never had to be concerned before, but our culture has gone sideways.  What can be done?  What is happening, What are we talking about?   Jonathan will be covering much of these topics.  Come and learn how you can make a difference. 

Jonathan is the Chair & Territory Lead of Protect Ohio Children; Founder of UnWoke Investing (now a proud partner of 2nd Vote Advisers); President of Beachwood Gun Club; Founder of Plan Partners; Co-Founder of PayLink IRA; Co-Founder of TDFbuilder; GOP Precinct Strategy Leader & County Central Committeeman; Founder of Ohio RINO Hunters. Mr. Broadbent is a nationally recognized ERISA subject matter expert by day, fighter for Freedom, Liberty, Equality, Education, Children, 1st & 2nd Amendment, and Judeo/Christian values all the time. He is also building the first Financial PMA

Metzenbaum Center
8200 Cedar Road
Chesterland, OH 44026

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