
Category: General NOACA Board of Directors Meeting

NOACA Board of Directors Meeting


Public meeting of the NOACA Board of Directors.  At a recent panel discussion, Lake County Commissioner and NOACA President John Hammercheck stressed the importance of public participation at NOACA meetings.

From the Geauga County TEA Party...

The Geauga County Tea Party is sponsoring a tour bus so we can get as many fellow Patriots to attend the NOACA Board meeting THIS COMING FRIDAY 9:00 at NOACA HQ downtown at 1299 Superior Ave. Cleveland at 9:00 AM.

The bus leaves from the East Gate shopping center across from Hillcrest Hospital at the corner of OH 91 and US 322 in Mayfield, at 7:45 am and returns from NOACA around noon. Cost for the bus is $26.00 each.

We need to know how many will join us on the BUS so we can confirm the reservation.   It is very convenient and actually fun.   Please RSVP ASAP the names and the total number of attendees via email to or by text or call to (440) 725-7022    By the way, the bus trip is fantastic fun with fellow Patriots!

1299 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114

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