
Category: General Pro-Life Campaign Closing – Turnout & Election Integrity - Newbury

Pro-Life Campaign Closing – Turnout & Election Integrity - Newbury


Hosted by the Geauga County Tea Party

This free event includes dinner.  To register, email

"Vote counting and ballot collecting does not occur in the light of day. There are too many occasions when observers and opposing parties lose contact with the ballots." - Bob Schaffer

The Dobbs decision has moved the path for advancing pro-life policies from the federal government to the states.  However, the pro-abortion forces are emboldened and are pushing radical pro-abortion constitutional amendments on states.  Politics has come to the pro-life community and we have to be in the fight.

The only way to win an election is to turn out more voters than the other side.  This begins with Early Vote and ends with Election Day operations that ensure Election Integrity.

This Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) and Election Integrity Workshop advances comprehensive voter contact and ballot observation strategies.  Learn ways to effectively implement targeted outreach to your voters and persuadable voters and ensure their votes are counted.

You will learn how to develop a systematic plan to get the most out of phones and doors, how to encourage early voting, implement a ballot chase program, and organize efforts to watch ballots being cast and counted.

Additional on-demand content is made available to attendees.

Anyone who wants to win owes it to their cause to learn how.  Winning campaigns send volunteers, activists, and donors to this workshop.  Only when everyone knows the game plan, can they implement it effectively.

Ideal attendees for this Turnout and Election Integrity Workshop are elected officials, current and future candidates, campaign operatives, party officials, campaign volunteers, pro-life activists, pregnancy center volunteers, faith-based leaders, conservative donors, and anyone who wants to win in November.

Attendees will learn how to:
• Discuss pro-life and conservative values with moderate voters
• Recruit and manage volunteers
• Use absentee and early voting tools
• Coordinate Election Day activities
• Work as an elections judge
• Turn out their voters

Dinner is included.

This training is being co-sponsored by Priests for Life and the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.  Guest speakers from Priests for Life will speak to the importance of voter registration, asking volunteers to help, and door knocking.

The Rookery
10110 Cedar Rd.
Newbury, OH 44065

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