Update March 8, 2025
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Fortify Geauga Update for March 8, 2025
Are you ready for the election on May 8th? See what’s on the ballot and find out why our friends at the Grassroots Freedom Initiative are urging a NO vote on the statewide bond issue. And don’t miss the March 10th Geauga County Tea Party meeting with a special guest from Turning Point USA...
Fortify Geauga Citizen Training: Central Committee Basics materials available to all. We enjoyed a lively and informative meeting on February 8th where we learned from Constitutional expert and former Central Committee member Tom Niewulis. If you are currently on Central Committee or interested in learning more about it, please make use of our materials to learn more.
Please read this post, possibly the most important one we’ve ever published. Then share it with everyone you know and sign up to help us spread the word.
There was an important and lively meeting of the Geauga County Planning Commission on Tuesday, May 14th. The main topic of the meeting, which drew an audience of a few dozen residents, was to discuss recent threats to township zoning authority coming from the Ohio Senate. Senator Sandra O’Brien (R-32) was in attendance…
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“Good Government Needs Informed Citizens” News From Geauga, Portage, Lake Counties and Townships, along with commentary and national stories with local impact. Mailing list: auburntownship.org@gmail.com
Lobbyists for Citizens
“Upholding Honesty, Integrity & Transparency in Government” Lobbyists for Citizens publishes numerous articles on Lake County politics, as well as regional, state, national, and world news.
Geauga County Tea Party
The GCTP is dedicated to defending the constitution, the rights of Geauga County citizens, and promoting honest, ethical, and honorable politics. Events are held the 2nd Monday of each month. Mailing list: admin@geaugacountyteaparty.com.
Ohio Gun Owners
OGO is dedicated to the passage of critically needed and substantive pro-gun reforms and exposing and defeating anti-gun proposals in all levels of government. OGO’s State Actions page provides detailed Call-to-Action items for Ohio 2A advocates.
Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (OAMF)
Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom is a non-partisan group advocating for your right to choose or refuse any medical treatment or procedure. Subscribe to their mailing list for updates (sign-up form at the bottom of their website). Visit their extensive list of current legislation initiatives.
Medical Right to Refuse
MR2R is an Ohio Ballot Initiative intended to amend the Ohio Constitution to guarantee that Ohioans retain their right to direct their own healthcare decisions as to what medication they put into their bodies. Visit the MR2R website to sign up to help.
Ohio School Board Constitutional Coalition (OSBCC)
Ohio’s alternative to the left-leaning Ohio School Boards Association, the OSBCC engages like-minded current, past and potential school board members from across Ohio who want to advance an academics-first agenda.
Protect Ohio Children
Putting daylight on the darkness of Critical Race Theory (CRT), Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE), and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in Ohio schools. Sign up here to receive Protect Ohio Children email updates.
The Ohio Roundtable
Citizen journalism for Ohio’s grassroots activists. Browse the information and articles
on their website or join the
Ohio Roundtable Substack
to receive updates in your
Ohio Political News and the Buckeye Patriot Podcast
Join hosts Joe Miller, Brian Massie, and Jonathan Broadbent every Sunday night at 7:30pm for a weekly roundup of news and issues in Ohio.
Grassroots Freedom Initiative seeks to connect, organize & unite “activated” conservatives. Join GFI today and don’t miss I-HUB with links to articles, videos, training & more. Also check out The Ohio Liberator List of worthy grassroots Ohio political candidates.
AssembleX Ohio
Ohio’s digital, grassroots town square. Join weekly discussions with conservative grassroots leaders on X/Twitter every Thursday at 7:00pm. Use the link above or search for AssembleXOhio on X/Twitter.
Ohio Precinct Strategy OPS is a group of Ohio Citizens that seeks to engage citizens in our elections process so our voices are accurately represented in our elections. The OPS website offers a wealth of information on civics, our party system, poll watching, elections infrastructure, and how to get involved.
Tactical Civics
Taking America back, one county at a time. TACTICAL CIVICS™ is We the People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us. And unlike politics, TACTICAL CIVICS™ needs only half of 1% of the People to take responsibility. Check our calendar for local Tactical Civics seminars.
Ohio Freedom Action Network (OFAN)
OFAN will bring together like-minded leaders from across Ohio to facilitate communication and coordinated actions in the cause of perpetuating our God-given inalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Republican Reformist
In-depth analysis of current events, policy proposals, and commentary with leading conservatives and Republican officials in Ohio. We’ll keep you informed on the latest developments in the party and provide you with the tools and resources you need to make a difference.
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New Geauga GOP meeting high expectations If you’ve tried to get involved in the past or you…
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Verify the following to be sure your ballot is secure Even if you are a regular voter and your infor…
I love the work you have done Tiffany on this very informative website…Geauga county is very blessed to have you share great info for us…now we need a weekly radio show with Johnathan, skip.and others thanks again Tiffany for this awesome website.
Great website, so much information even though we are a suburb of Cincinnati. Really appreciate all the work you’ve done on this. I’m spreading this far and wide. Thanks so much.
Jonathan Broadbent spoke to our West Chester Tea Party last week and we were really impressed and appreciative of his knowledge. He’s a wonderful resource and a hard worker.
This is a great site. Thanks.
This is such a wonderful resource. Thank you for all your hard work. We are spreading the word!
Christen Hall
Thanks so much, Christen! We have big plans for more content and we’d love your suggestions.
Looks great. This NOACA CRAP has to be completely uncovered statewide and have the masses educated NOW! I applaud your focused energies. God Speed my friends.
Many thanks, and wholehearted agreement on NOACA. It’s a bad deal for Geauga County!