
Reality Check for Conservatives: Why You Need to be “One of THOSE PEOPLE”

by Tiffanie Broadbent

I know some of you don’t want to be one of those people. You know, those people who talk about politics, those people who go to meetings and always have an opinion, those people who push and struggle and hold up signs, those people who say the quiet things out loud.

But it’s time for a reality check for conservatives: you need to become one of those people. You don’t need to do everything and let politics take over your life. But you do need to do something, because the people who do not believe in conservative values like small government, individual liberties, protecting life and innocence and upholding our rights under the Constitution – those people are those people, and they have been busy.

I’d like to show you what we are up against, even in our Republican-dominated state. There’s a piece of legislation called the Parent’s Bill of Rights (House Bill 8) that has been in the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee since March.  This common-sense bill would require public schools to notify parents of sexually explicit content in school materials and allow parents to review such material and decide whether their children should see it. It would also prohibit school staff from encouraging students to withhold information from their parents about their mental, emotional or physical health and would require schools to consult with parents on school-provided healthcare services. 

To conservatives, this is one of those bills that makes us shake our heads and say, “It’s a shame that even needs to be written down.” It’s such a common-sense issue to us that parents should be made aware of what their children are seeing and experiencing at school. Deep down, I do believe that the majority of parents are behind this bill and others like it. But that majority is too often silent, and it’s time we realize a silent majority is irrelevant.

To understand the hurdles we face to pass common-sense legislation like House Bill 8, please take a look at the list of people who have testified for and against this bill.  (Click on the image to see it full screen.) Scroll down that page and look for the words “Proponent” (for the bill) and “Opponent” (against the bill). 

See all those “Opponents”? That’s what we are up against. Take a look at the “Committee Activity” information for any of the common-sense conservative bills in committees right now and you will see the same thing:

House Bill 51: The Second Amendment Preservation Act

House Bill 68: The Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act (SAFE Act)

House Bill 6: The Save Women’s Sports Act

These lists display only the in-person and formal written testimony submitted prior to the scheduled hearings. They don’t show the phone calls, emails, and letters sent directly to individual legislators. (Those are hugely important as well.)

But it’s sobering to realize those people on the Left are talking to our lawmakers every single day. They are showing up and writing in and speaking against all the things we are rooting for in Ohio. Shouldn’t our lawmakers hear OUR voices as well?

We are the majority in Ohio, and we can no longer let those people drown us out. We have some truly dedicated conservative public servants creating solid bills that should be passed. They need our help. The Fortify Geauga website was created to give you the tools to do something today to help with these battles. ALL CONSERVATIVES in Ohio can use our site to make a difference at the state level. I know you have 5-10 minutes a few times this week. Please commit yourself to these efforts. Sign up for our newsletter, read it every week, share it with your friends, repost our calls to action, and commit yourself to completing some of the tasks on our Act Now page. If there is a bill or issue you want to know more about, let us know in the Comments section below or send me an email at

1 Response

  1. 06/23/2023

    […] anti-family organizations and individuals. (See a visual representation of that opposition in this post.) Getting these through the House as been a real fight, and it would not have happened without […]

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